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V are here V愛共行

V are here is a cross-project volunteer and mentoring program. Love is boundless, on the journey of life that fills with challenges, we hope to be people-oriented by giving volunteer service in addition to resource sharing. You are welcome to be one of our mentors to enlighten the student’s way of thinking and enrich their life experience. Little drops of good deeds make a river, we aim to walk shoulder to shoulder, to get mutually inspired and influenced with positive energy.
「V 愛共行」(V are here)是一個跨項目的義工及義務友師計劃。樂助無分界,在充滿挑戰的人生旅途上,除了資源分享,我們更希望透過身體力行,通過義工服務實踐以人為本的精神;你亦可以友師身分啟迪學員的思維,豐富人生經驗知識。我們旨在携手同行,不分施受,讓行善之力涓滴成河,互相輸送正能量。
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