Our Mission 我們的使命
The letter "V" symbolizes Value, Variety, and Vitality, which have long been regarded as the distinctive qualities of a positive life and are also the core values of V Foundation. We aim to pass on the humanistic spirits of optimism, perseverance, care and mutual assistance through life on life interaction. We hope that by pooling members' professional advantages and resources in different fields of the society, organizing various activities to help people of different ages and backgrounds to discover their own strengths, find their self-worth and live a meaningful life. In this way, we hope to gather vigorous strengths by advocating all walks of life to do one’s bit to deliver care to every corner of society.
字母「V」象徵價值(Value)、多元(Variety)及活力(Vitality),是建立積極人生的重要特質,亦是 V 慈善基金的核心價值。我們旨在將積極樂觀、堅毅不撓、關懷互助的人文精神傳承下去,以生命影響生命。希望通過凝聚成員的專業優勢及其分別在不同社會領域的資源網絡,組織各類型活動,幫助不同年齡及階層人士從中發掘個人長處,覓得自我價值,活出精彩人生,從而向社會各界提倡以點滴之力,匯聚成蓬勃力量,將關愛傳遞至社會每一個角落。
Organisation Structure 組織架構
All directors, executive committee and sub-committee members of the Foundation are from all walks of life. They are non-remunerated members who govern, administer, and participate in the affairs of the Foundation as volunteers. To fulfill the mission of the Foundation, the members are committed to promoting all kinds of charity work with a positive attitude and strive to realize the core values of V Foundation in every position.
Executive Committee
Chairperson 主席
Ms. Fan Man Seung , Vanessa 范敏嫦女士
Treasurer 司庫
Ms. Li Kim Ming, Kim 李儉明女士
Project Director 項目總監
Ms. Ng Wing Han, Christina 吳詠嫻女士
Volunteer Services Director 義工事務總監
Ms. Choi Suk Hing, Louisa 蔡淑卿女士
Company Secretary 公司秘書
Ms. Liu Chui Ying, Martha 廖翠英女士
Project Coordination 項目籌劃小組
Tsui Sz Wai
Ng Chi Yiu
Joanna Chong
Communications & Promotions 傳訊及推廣小組
Hester Wong
Design 設計小組
Yvonne Mak
Kin Lee
Wu Ka Yi