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Donation Methods


Your generous donation enables us to enhance services and make life better for people in need. All donations will be generally applied to support our charitable projects.


*Tax-Exempt Charity Reference No.
*獲豁免繳稅的團體編號: 91/17425

Cheque 支票

Bank Transfer 銀行轉帳

FPS 轉數快 / PayMe

Donation Goods 物資捐贈

Donate Goods


We welcome also in-kind donation as to call for participation in promoting the spirit of V share. We hope to enable resources to be used on the neediest and to benefit more people. If you would like to make an in-kind donation, please contact us by email.

除捐款外,我們樂意接受大家的物資捐助,一同發揮 V share ( V 愛共享 ) 的精神。善用社會資源,讓社會不同的弱勢社群受惠。如果你有任何的物資可以捐贈予我們,歡迎電郵與我們聯絡。

Email 電郵:

Funding Application 資助申請

Funding Application

V Foundation considers different criteria for different types of projects in general. Please send us your funding proposal stating the significance and objectives of the project as well as the number of direct or indirect beneficiaries by e-mail.




Email 電郵:

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