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Cheque 支票
Write a crossed cheque payable to "V Foundation Limited"
and deposit to our account 741-328843-838 with HSBC /
875-2-049054-0 with BOC
Write your name and contact number at the back of the cheque
and send it to “Room 9B, Capitol Centre Tower II, 28 Jardine’s Crescent,
Causeway Bay, Hong Kong”
and attention to “V Foundation Limited”
請於劃線支票的抬頭寫上「V Foundation Limited」,直接存入
香港上海匯豐銀行有限公司帳戶 741-328843-838/中國銀行香港有限公司帳戶875-2-049054-0
You are required to upload photocopy of the cheque/pay-in slip to us for reference
Official receipts will be issued for donations of HK$100 or above for tax deduction purpose upon request.
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